Bethany in Grand Rapids
Supporting kids and families in our community
Infant Adoption in the U.S.
When an expectant parent decides to pursue adoption, we
offer support as they seek adoptive parents for their child.
Foster Care
For foster families around the world opening their hearts
and homes to children, we seek to provide ongoing support—every heartwarming
and heartbreaking step of the way.
Foster Care Adoption in the U.S.
Imagine growing up without the stability of a permanent
family. Unfortunately, that’s the reality for many children. That's why we do everything possible to ensure they have a stable, nurturing family.
Transitional Living Center for Refugee Youth
Our Transitional Living Center is a specialized residential
program committed to helping refugee youth adjust to their new culture and
achieve independence.
Family Counseling
Sometimes you need someone to talk with you through life’s challenges—especially through the ongoing and ever-changing pandemic. We’re here for you when you do. Bethany’s Christian counselors are clinically certified and have a proven track record in their area of expertise.
Post Adoption Services
Whether you're an adoptee, birth parent, or adoptive parent,
we're here for you—providing expert support built on decades of experience in
the field of adoption.
Safe Families for Children
When parents are going through a temporary crisis, we find
families to care for their children. This allows parents to take essential
steps toward stability.
Refugee and Immigrant Resettlement
Every year, tens of thousands of refugees are resettled in the U.S., seeking safety and a chance at a new life. With your help, we surround refugees with welcome and support during one of the hardest times in their lives.
Refugee and Immigrant Employment Services
Refugees are talented, dedicated, and loyal workers. That’s why we partner with local businesses to hire adult refugees as they begin their new lives in the U.S.
Grand Rapids Center for Community Transformation
The Grand Rapids Center for Community Transformation is a partnership between businesses and nonprofits, designed to provide youth with educational support, life skills, and accessible employment.
Short-Term Immigrant Foster Care
As a foster parent, you’ll provide a safe and loving temporary home for unaccompanied children seeking asylum in the U.S., until they can be reunited with a family member.
Parent Cafes
Parenting isn’t easy. And when you have questions or challenges, you want to know someone understands and has your back. Parent Cafés bring you together with other parents and caregivers for encouraging, supportive conversation. Whatever you’re facing as a parent, you’re not alone.
Long-Term Immigrant Foster Care
Refugee families are sometimes separated due to death, illness, or imprisonment. When family reunification is not possible, children are considered unaccompanied minors. For these children, the best option is to be cared for by a foster care family.
Supervised Independent Living - UC LTFC
We need individuals and families willing to open their homes to young refugee adults between the ages of 17-21. As a provider, your home will be a safe and supportive space where you can help young adults experience hands-on practice in basic life skills.
Residential Treatment Program
Young men who are sex offenders or who have demonstrated
sexually aggressive or inappropriate behaviors are granted a safe and
constructive home environment in our residential treatment program.