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Love is not enough, but it does not fail

As a first-time adoptive parent, Dr. Kimberly Offutt had an idealistic vision of what “happily ever after” would look like. As a foster care worker, she knew the need was great for teens with trauma history, and she thought she was ready. But love, it turns out, does not undo a child’s deep wounds.

All of this is worth it

Fostering medically fragile children takes extra time, effort, care, but Bethany provides training and support so foster parents like Dan and Katy can provide a safe place for children to heal and thrive.


Welcome is in our DNA

Church ministries should be making it evident that all are welcome and cared for—including foster families.


Fostering is just being part of our family

Will and Colleen don’t do anything halfway. So when they said yes to foster parenting, it changed their whole lives.


Not in it for the extra credit

Church shares heart, history, and opportunities for serving refugees and encourages others to welcome newcomers.

Families helping families

Too many families are one crisis away from disaster. And single parents who don’t have a strong support system are particularly vulnerable. As Safe Families volunteers, Jim and Carol have seen the difference it makes when families can build a network of support.


Be someone's extended family

Most of us could call on on friends or family to help if we faced a crisis. But too many families don't have this network of support. And when parents are vulnerable, their kids are too.


What do strong families need to thrive?

Strong families need what we all need—to be safe, loved, and connected. Especially in difficult times. Five protective factors contribute to stronger families.

Finding Francisca's family

Follow Isaac Agyei, a dedicated caseworker in Ghana. His unwavering commitment to reuniting children, like 8-year-old Francisca, with their families is strengthening families and protecting children.


Families should remain together whenever it's safe to do so.

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